Sunday, May 24, 2015

Session 7

1. Why is media selection important in eLearning?
Media selection is important in eLearning because every course has different and specific needs.  Some may call for more student-student interaction, while others require more student-content interaction.  In addition, social presence can lead to more success and satisfaction throughout a course.

2. Define "new media"?
New media are media that have been modified to make sharing easier.  It has also allowed for others to use, reuse, link to and comment on work.

3. Choose a "new media" and explain it's strengths and weaknesses for supporting eLearning.
YouTube is an example of new media.  One strength is the ease of uploading videos.  Another strength is the ease of sharing videos and commenting on works.  One weakness of youtube is the large scope of all of the videos, some of which can be inappropriate, especially in a classroom setting.

4. Explain the term "Mobile Learning" and discuss the importance of "Mobile Learning in the current eLearning environment and in future eLearning environments.
Mobile learning is defined as participating in learning while being on the move and learning from the world in which we move.  Mobile learning allows for learning more of the time (while on the go).  Learners can also take advantage of learnable moments through mobile learning.  In the future, mobile learning may reduce costs of creating classes and therefore the cost of enrolling in such courses.  It can also allow for the use of social media as learning tools and communication tools in a proper setting.

5. Explain the term "Virtual Classroom". Describe how a "Virtual Classroom" can be used in eLearning.
Virtual classrooms are classes that use collaboration tools to mimic and re-create the structure and learning environment of a physical classroom.  Virtual classrooms can be used in eLearning to help incorporate group projects that are as impactful as group projects in a physical classroom.  They can also be used to conduct online meetings and coordinate work.

6. Thinking about the class you have been designing, what are some ways you could potentially use some new media?
I really like the idea of teacher tube for my class.  I could potentially upload my videos and tutorials there so that it is easy and readily available to my students or anybody interested in learning the same material.


  1. What makes new media useful is the ease of using and reusing works/ideas, as well as the ability to link to and comment on them. With the large bandwidths available now, it is very easy to upload or download videos or information very quickly. The technological tools available now also allow for the creation and sharing of different types of media.
